The National Oncology Mentorship Scheme is an annual programme organised by British Oncology Network for Undergraduate Societies (BONUS).

The academic year 2021-2022 marked the first cycle of the scheme, for which BONUS recruited 92 mentors and 128 mentees from across the UK. The initiative allows an individualised pairing of medical students and junior doctors with specialists in medical, clinical, surgical and interventional oncology.
Mentoring takes place over 6 months and the participants are encouraged to meet at least three times. The mentoring sessions are individually agreed by the mentor and the mentee and consist of:
insights into a career in oncology
shadowing the mentor in clinical setting
discussion of case studies and research papers
general careers advice
engagement in research projects
networking opportunities
teaching on oncology topics
Mentorship Scheme 2022-2023
We are currently recruiting mentors for the second cycle of the National Oncology Mentorship Scheme, which will take place from October 2022 to April 2023. If you are a consultant, specialty registrar or equivalent in medical, clinical, surgical or interventional oncology and would like to become a mentor, please contact Joanna Kucharczak, our Network Lead, at
The application for mentees is now also open. Medical students and junior doctors are welcome to apply.
Apply here:
Deadline: Friday, September 9th, 11:59 pm You will be notified at the end of September on the outcome of your application. If successful, you will be provided with the contact details of your allocated mentor. It is the mentee’s responsibility to contact their mentor and suggest initial sessions based on their interests.